The IPCH Conservation Lab was welcomed to the Yale community with an opening ceremony, which included speeches by IPCH Director Stefan Simon, YUAG Chief Conservator Ian...
High above Lake Cayuga’s waters, the American Chemical Society (ACS) recently held its 40th Northeast Regional Meeting (NERM) at Ithaca College, in Ithaca, NY.
IPCH’s Dr....
Monday, June 22, 2015 at 4:00 PM, Sterling Memorial Library, Memorabilia Lecture Hall, 128 Wall St entrance, Yale University, New Haven, CT
Vernon Rapley is the Security...
The Seventh Users’ Group for Mass Spectrometry and Chromatography (MaSC) Workshop and Meeting was held at The Art Institute of Chicago, Northwestern University, the Field...
Colin Thomas is a 7th year graduate student in Archaeology at Yale specializing in archaeometallurgy. As part of his doctoral research, he has been studying the Chimu Era (...
A two-day workshop on May 26-27, 2015 was hosted by Yale University’s Institute for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage (IPCH) in collaboration with the University of...