Two people looking closely at a the bottom of a painting while it hangs on the wall.

Preserving Culture through Science & Connection

Discover our mission

The Institute for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage (IPCH) is Yale’s hub for art, science, and human connection. We work across Yale’s collections and around the world to preserve our shared human story.

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Explore what we do

  • Cross-Collection Initiatives

    Our work identifies connections and possibilities across Yale’s collections. Discover key initiatives that involve collaboration across departments.

  • Heritage Science Labs

    This lab focuses on scientific analysis to preserve objects of cultural heritage. Their research and expertise allows for a deeper understanding of materials and processes. 

  • International Programs

    IPCH is committed to strengthening the preservation of cultural heritage on a global scale. Learn more about the Yale Directors Forum fellowship program in Africa.

  • Lens Media Lab

    Renowned for its work in the history of photography, the Lens Media Lab leads efforts to understand and preserve photographic papers produced throughout the 20th Century.

Discover our work

IPCH is the only university-based research institute in the US that supports the integration of expertise across the arts, sciences, and humanities for the study and preservation of cultural artifacts.

Individuals leaning over a spread of photographs that are varying in paper color.

Recent news from across the Institute

  • Individuals stand smiling at the camera in a colorful environment.
  • Two people look at a painting with a big gold frame while pointing and maneuvering a scientific instrument.
  • Three individuals sit on a scaffold in front of a colorful painting smiling at the camera.
  • A group of students stand around a table with black and white photos laid out.